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The Importance of Demolition Inspections

Many people don’t think about it, but when you’re buying a house that is to be demolished and rebuilt from the ground up, you should get a demolition pest inspection. This may come as a surprise because your old home was just fine, and building inspectors might tell you not to worry about an inspection for bugs or other pests. However, there are a number of reasons that it is important to get one done.

Demolition Pest Inspections are Important for Three Key Reasons

  1. The first reason that the demolition pest inspection is important comes down to ensuring your safety. Your old home was in a state of decay, and when construction began, there could be unseen dangers like mould or other health risks. Pest inspectors will be able to identify potential issues and make sure that the safety of your family is protected.
  2. The second reason why a demolition pest inspection is important comes down to protecting your investment in the home you’re buying. If there are any problems with the way that previous owners took care of their property, it could diminish the value of your home. Pest inspectors will address any issues so that you can have peace of mind about the total value of the property.
  3. The third reason why demolition inspections are important comes down to protecting your investment in construction costs. Many pests are attracted to old materials, including wood and other building supplies. If there are infestations or potential infestations, you could be looking at high costs for getting rid of the problem as well as future ones if precautions are not taken. 

At Pest Detective our inspectors have years of experience dealing with both pest issues and construction, so they can help to save you from problems before they even start. Reach out today for all your pest control needs!

Bailey Soolsma

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