As the fall season approaches, homeowners in Western Canada, including Edmonton, Kelowna/Vernon, East Vancouver, Vancouver West, Richmond, Burnaby, and Calgary, must prepare for the annual increase in pest activity. Pest Detective, a trusted name in pest control Vancouver, offers essential tips to help you pest-proof your home effectively. By following these top 10 fall pest-proofing tips, you can safeguard your home against unwanted invaders and ensure a comfortable, pest-free season.

Pest Detective’s Top 10 Fall Pest-Proofing Tips

1. Screen Attic Vents and Openings

Ensure that all attic vents, chimneys, mail slots, and animal doors are screened to prevent pests from entering your home. These openings are common entry points for rodents and insects seeking warmth as temperatures drop.

2. Maintain Dryness in Basements and Attics

Pests are attracted to moisture, which they need to survive. Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well-ventilated and dry by using dehumidifiers. This simple step can deter a variety of pests from taking up residence in your home.

3. Seal Cracks and Crevices

Use caulk and steel wool to seal cracks and crevices on the exterior of your home. Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes enter the structure, as rodents can squeeze through surprisingly small openings. This is a crucial step in pest control mice efforts.

4. Keep Kitchen Areas Clean

Store food in airtight containers and keep kitchen counters clean. Dispose of garbage regularly in sealed receptacles to prevent attracting pests that scavenge for food. Cleaning up after each meal and ensuring garbage cans are properly closed can make a significant difference.

5. Replace Weather-Stripping and Repair Mortar

Check the weather-stripping around doors and the mortar around windows. Replace or repair any loose or damaged areas to keep both pests and cold air out of your home. This not only aids in pest management but also improves energy efficiency.

6. Store Firewood Properly

Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your house and keep shrubbery well-trimmed. By removing areas where pests can hide, you reduce the chances of them finding a way inside.

7. Install Door Sweeps and Repair Screens

Install door sweeps and repair any damaged window screens. Torn screens and gaps under doors are ideal entry points for pests. Ensuring these are intact helps keep pests out while allowing you to enjoy fresh air.

8. Inspect Items Before Bringing Them Indoors

Before bringing boxes of decorations, package deliveries, or grocery bags indoors, inspect them for pests. Pests can find creative ways to hitch a ride into your home, so a quick check can prevent unwanted surprises.

9. Avoid Leaving Pet Food Out

Pests don’t discriminate between human food and pet food. Avoid leaving pets’ food dishes out for extended periods, as this can attract insects and rodents. Clean up any spills promptly to minimize attraction.

10. Ensure Proper Outdoor Drainage

Install or repair gutters to ensure proper drainage away from your home. This prevents water accumulation that might attract pests. A well-maintained drainage system is a crucial component of effective pest control.


By implementing these pest-proofing tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of pest infestations in your home this fall. Pest Detective is the top pest control Vancouver company that is committed to providing expert pest management solutions, ensuring that your home remains a safe haven throughout the season. Whether you need assistance with rodent control or require an exterminator for more persistent issues, Pest Detective is your trusted partner in pest control. With these proactive measures, you can enjoy a comfortable, pest-free fall in Western Canada.